Sara Collins has a very well written book on her hands, the descriptions are solid, the book flows organically throughout most of it, great grammar, and the ability to keep the reader wanting to know what is going to happen next. There were several points through the book where I kept thinking the book was going to go one way only to have Collins take it a completely different way.
I must confess I had a strong reaction to this book, or more specifically to the characters. In many ways I wished that Summer had been a stronger character, but given all the events of the book I understand why she wasn't a kick ass heroine, it wouldn't have made sense if she was. And while I enjoyed the beginning of Summer's relationship with Boden, about half way in I started thinking Boden's over protectiveness was bordering on creepy.
When the love triangle appears later on in the book, I have to admit I was rooting for the guy who didn't get the girl. I could easily see how the readers of this book could place themselves on the team of either of the two guys, almost reminiscent of the Team Jacob, Team Edward, mentality.
I do feel like the ending of the book was a little rushed. Collins wrapped up all the story lines, and left it open enough for a sequel if she chose to do so, but the last chapter kind of felt like a mad dash to close out the last remaining story line. I could elaborate more, but I would give the whole story away and I don't want to do that.
Overall, I would have to say that even though for about half the book I was rooting for the plot to take a different turn then it did, I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen. As a reader I don't have to always agree with what direction an author takes a book, the key for me is that when I book goes a way I didn't want it to, do I still want to read it. The answer in this case is overwhelmingly yes, and for me I think that is a sign of a good writer and a quality book. I think this is a good book for anyone looking for a good romantic fantasy book.
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