This book was recommended to me in a urban fantasy forum, and so I figured I would give it a try. It is the first book in a trilogy, although from a simple search on it would seem the author has several series to chose from.
I don't have a lot to say about this particular book. It was an enjoyable read but by no means one of my favorites, but on the same token, it cost around $4 on my nook, which I have no problem spending on a book I enjoyed reading. The book is about a woman who has no idea that she is a shifter, her name is Sara. From the very beginning it is clear she has had a rough upbringing, and has been left with both emotional and some very serious emotional scars from her childhood. The real upside for her is that her two best friends look out for her and give her the kind of love she didn't experience from her grandmother.
Her grandmother, having died not to long before the book began, is clearly the one of the villains in the story. Her grandmothers death, which seems like a relief for her, actually brings back a feud that she was unaware of her entire life. A feud between a Pride of lions and a Pack of wolves (the same Pack her parents were once a part of). The Pack has arrived in a town where there is another Pack, the one who has been protecting Sara all of her life without her knowing. The author does a good job of showing the people in Sara's life as being protective of her, as well as the Pack mentality typical of shifters.
This book contains more sex in it than the typical mainstream book like Charlaine Harris or Patricia Briggs. That being said, it was well written, a common problem with sex scenes is that they come off as cheesy, with the author often time comparing sex to things having nothing to do with sex. Laurenston did a good job at keeping it realistic as possible, although she enjoys the words nipples and hard as rocks.
The relationship between Zach and Sara is fun to watch evolve, especially since the two of them fight it for so long. Although when they both accept it, they fit together so perfectly. I found the character of Casey to be amusing, she strikes me as one of those girls who think they own the world, until someone shows them they ain't shit, which is something Casey needed. Although I think my favorite part of the book was the ending, when in the end there are three packs of wolves who all respect and care for Sara, something not commonly seen this world. It was kind of a tribute to the person Sara is.
Overall I would say this book is worth reading, but don't expect it to be your all time favorite novel, but that doesn't mean it isn't a fun read.
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