Wednesday, September 5, 2012

You Can't Shatter Me by Tahlia Newland

Sixteen year old Carly wants to write her own life and cast herself as a superhero, but the story gets out of control when she stands up to a bully and he turns on her. Her increasing harassment forces her to battle flying hooks, giant thistles, doubt dragons, and a suffocating closet. Dylan, a karate-trained nerd who supports her stand, turns out to be a secret admirer, and while he struggles to control his inner caveman, Carly searched for her own way to stop the bully. An old hippie shows her an inner magic that's suppose to make her invincible, but will Carly learn to use it before her knight in shining armor risks all in a battle with a fire-breathing dragon?

I think everyone now a days is aware of the problem of bullying. I think everyone has at least one experience with bullying, be it being the victim, the person doing the bullying, or the person standing on the sidelines observing it. There has been a lot of talk about this issue, and a lot of different ideas about how to teach kids and teenagers about this problem. This is a book geared toward young adults, and it fits the bill. 

Carly is that brave girl who decides to take a chance, do the right thing, and stand up to a bully. Of course it doesn't end up all roses for Carly, which I personally believe is one of the reasons why kids don't stand up to bullies (or even adults sometimes). Carly and Dylan grow close while trying to conquer their own individuals problems while helping each other. 

One thing that is good about this book as that it examines the situation, the dynamic between all the individuals, from different perspectives. You get an insight into everyone, even the bully. Newland paints a picture of what it is like for everyone. This is a pretty good take on the issue, while still being a fun read for the young adult crowd. 

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